As I promised in an earlier post, here is the full source code for MIPS Mansion (minus the room with it!). Theoretically, if you can read and understand MIPS, you should be able to build your own room files without much trouble.
Just a brief recap...
MIPS Mansion was the final result of my group's project in COMP 3410 (Computer Organization and Assembler Language) at the University of Memphis in the Spring 2014 semester. The members of this group (dubbed "Team Puzzle" by our professor) were (in alphabetical order by last name):
1. Nathan Brandeburg
2. Joseph Ciskowski
3. Drew Stabenow
4. Daniel Wood
5. Jonathan Wood (Hey, that's me! Woohoo!)
It is a Zork-like text-based maze/adventure game written entirely in the MIPS Assembler language. To complete this project, we had to learn/figure out how to perform what are usually a few basic tasks:
1. File reading - in most high-level languages, file reading is a relatively simple task. In MIPS, it's not too bad, but parsing out the information from files can be a bit...tricky.
2. String concatenation - in most high-level languages, this is laughably simple. We had to use this to build dynamic filenames for each room and, while it was far more painful than we hoped it would be, being able to do this made MIPS Mansion a heck of a lot more impressive.
3. Dynamic input validation - depending on the "room" you are in within the mansion, different inputs might be valid, and each input will have a different result. As such, we had to be able to read in any and all possible inputs to verify whether the user's actual input is acceptable and, if so, what the result might be (usually just the number of the next room, but there were also some "unique" results as well).
One last note: we were only able to consistently get this code to compile and run using the Mars MIPS simulator in Linux Mint (tested in versions 14 and 16) and Windows 7. If any changes are made to the code (which they may be if I get bored), this post will be modified with the changes, and it will only be after they are confirmed in these operating systems.
So, with no further ado, I present the MIPS Mansion source code. Enjoy!
# COMP 3410 #
# Final Project #
# MIPS Mansion #
# Version 1.0.0 #
# main/driver starts here
.globl main
# data segment
buffer: .space 1200 # used to store room name, room description, and room input values
filepath: .asciiz "/home/jonathan/Desktop/Final Project/rooms/" # hard coded rooms directory
room: .asciiz "00/" # temporary storage point for current room number
readFile: .asciiz "n" # temporary storage point for current file to be read
filename: .space 70 # used to store the full file path/name for i/o
validInput: .space 32 # used to store valid input strings
userInput: .space 32 # used to store user input (surprise!)
nameHolder: .asciiz "n" # "name" # designates the name file
descHolder: .asciiz "d" # designates the description file
inputHolder: .asciiz "i" # designates the input file
delimiter: .asciiz "*" # used to mark the end of a valid input
pickup: .asciiz "You find a key!\n" # used in special inputs when a key is found
unlock: .asciiz "You use your key to unlock the door. The key breaks off in the door\nand, as you pass through, the door slams shut behind you, locked."
die: .asciiz "You see the last light from the candle flash off of the eye of the\nbeast that has been hunting you. The beast growls softly..."
live: .asciiz "You have somehow survived this nightmare, but who knows what lurks\naround the next corner...?"
special1: .asciiz "k" # if this special input result is received, you've picked up a key
special2: .asciiz "u" # if this special input result is received, you've used a key
special3: .asciiz "l" # if this special input result is received, you've lived through the nightmare
false: .byte 0 # just a false byte for verification
alreadyHave: .asciiz "\nYou've already picked up this key!\n" # message if a key is picked back up
doNotHave: .asciiz "\nYou need a key to do this!\n" # message if a key is needed
candleRemaining1: .asciiz "\nYou only have "
candleRemaining2: .asciiz " minutes left to escape...\n"
correctMove: .asciiz "\nThe candle burns a little more as you press forward.\n"
incorrectMove: .asciiz "\nYou can't do that. You're wasting time! The candle burns more\nas you try in vain...\n"
# text segment
# Reserved registers:
# $s0 = file descriptor
# $s1 = filename
# $s2 = filepath
# $s3 = room
# $s4 = readFile
# $s5 = new room number
# $s6 = key boolean
# $s7 = candle counter
# general room procedure
# configurable by room files: name, description, input
li $s7, 31 # initial candle value load
jal GetName # get name for room
jal GetDescription # get description for room
jal GetInput # get input for room
jal ClearInputs # clear out previous rooms valid inputs
j PlayRoom # after the room is built, it is played
move $t7, $ra # saving the return address so we can get back
jal ClearBuffer # clear the buffer so there is no data overlap
lb $t0, nameHolder # loading the file name for the 'name' file
la $t1, readFile # loading the address for the file name
sb $t0, ($t1) # storing the file name in the file name address
jal GetFilename # concatenate the file path/name
jal FileOpen # read the file into buffer space
# print room name
li $v0, 4 # get ready to print text
la $a0, buffer # load the address of the buffer space
syscall # print that buffer!
jal ClearBuffer # clear the buffer before the next file
jr $t7 # Get back!
# get description text
move $t7, $ra # saving the return address so we can get back
lb $t0, descHolder # loading the file name for the 'description' file
la $t1, readFile # loading the address for the file name
sb $t0, ($t1) # storing the file name in the file name address
jal GetFilename # concatenate the file path/name
jal FileOpen # read the file into buffer space
# print room description
li $v0, 4 # get ready to print text
la $a0, buffer # load the address of the buffer space
syscall # print that buffer!
jal ClearBuffer # clear the buffer before the next file
jr $t7 # Get back!
# get input/result file and hold in buffer
move $t7, $ra # saving the return address so we can get back
lb $t0, inputHolder # loading the file name for the 'description' file
la $t1, readFile # loading the address for the file name
sb $t0, ($t1) # storing the file name in the file name address
jal GetFilename # concatenate the file path/name
jal FileOpen # read the file into buffer space
jr $t7 # Get back to where you once belonged!
# the actual playing part
# get room input
li $v0, 8 # open up for input
la $a0, userInput # going to read the input into the 'input' memory address
syscall # user input is now stored at 'userInput'
# validate room input (include special cases)
j ValidateInput
# procedure to clear the buffer in between string
# loads/unloads (prevents data overlap)
la $t1, buffer # load the address of the buffer for clearing
li $t0, 0x00000000 # hex 0 (null), for clearing
addi $t2, $t1, 1196 # buffer is 1200 bytes long. Our null is a word. Do the math.
j Clear # clear it out!
sw $t0, 0($t1) # store the null word in the address
addi $t1, $t1, 4 # move up a word in the space
ble $t1, $t2, Clear # if we're not past the end of the space, clear the new address
jr $ra # otherwise, get outta heah!
la $t1, validInput # load the address of the valid input string
li $t0, 0x00000000 # hex 0 (null), for clearing
addi $t2, $t1, 28 # valid input space is 32 bytes long. Our null is a word. Seriously, do the math.
j Clear # clear it out!
# procedure to check input, provide feedback
la $t0, validInput # valid input strings will be stored at $t0
la $t1, buffer # valid input string is now reachable at $t1
lb $t2, delimiter # setting $t2 to '*' to check end of input
j buildValid
# loop through, pulling out valid input bytes one by one, then comparing
lb $t3, ($t1) # load current byte from valid inputs into $t2
beq $t3, $t2, CheckInput # end of current input string, compare user input
beqz $t3, InvalidInput # if it reaches null, it's an invalid input
sb $t3, ($t0) # store the current byte and move on
addi $t0, $t0, 1 # increase address to store next byte of string
addi $t1, $t1, 1 # increase address to read next byte of buffer
j buildValid # loop
# going to compare 'input' address to user input
li $t4, 0x0A # load hex value of new line (dec: 13) into $t4
sb $t4, ($t0) # store cr value as next byte in validInput
la $t4, userInput # current user input
la $t0, validInput # current valid input string
j InputChecker
lb $t6, ($t4) # load current byte of user input
lb $t7, ($t0) # load current byte of valid input string
bne $t6, $t7, Invalidated # if bytes are not equal, call invalidated
beqz $t7, ValidInput # if bytes are equal and one of them is null, this is valid
# otherwise, increment and compare
addi $t4, $t4, 1 # move to next byte of user input
addi $t0, $t0, 1 # move to next byte of valid input string
j InputChecker
addi $t1, $t1, 4 # move to beginning of next valid input string
la $t0, validInput # load addres for storing valid input string
j buildValid # build next valid input string
# set $s5 to new room
la $s5, room # getting ready to write new room
addi $t1, $t1, 1 #moving to first character of new room number
lb $t4, ($t1) # loading first byte of new room number
subi $s7, $s7, 1 # decrement the candle by 1 'minute'
jal CheckSpecial # make sure that the input return value isn't a special case
sb $t4, ($s5) # storing first byte of new room number
addi $t1, $t1, 1 # moving to second character of new room number
addi $s5, $s5, 1 # moving to second room number character
lb $t4, ($t1) # loading second byte of new room number
sb $t4, ($s5) # storing second byte of new room number
li $v0, 4 # get ready to print some text
la $a0, correctMove # load address for the 'correct move' feedback
syscall # print it
j DispCandle # display the candle length
li $v0, 4 # get ready to print some text
la $a0, incorrectMove # load address for the 'incorrect move' feedback
syscall # print it
subi $s7, $s7, 2 # decrement the candle by 2 'minutes'
j DispCandle # display the candle length
ble $s7, $0, Die # if the candle length is <= 0, you die
li $v0, 4 # get ready to print some text
la $a0, candleRemaining1 # load address for the intro to the candle text
syscall # print it
li $v0, 1 # get ready to print a number
addi $a0, $s7, 0 # load up the current candle length
syscall # print it
li $v0, 4 # get ready to print some text
la $a0, candleRemaining2 # load address for the conclusion of the candle text
syscall # print it
j BuildRoom # go build the room, knucklehead...
# procedures to handle special input results
# checks for special input results and handles them appropriately
lb $t2, special1 # load byte to compare and see if a key is picked up
beq $t2, $t4, GetKey # if the return value byte = k, you get a key!
lb $t2, special2 # load byte to compare and see if a key is used
beq $t2, $t4, UseKey # if the return value byte = u, you need a key!
lb $t2, special3 # load byte to compare and see if the game is won
beq $t2, $t4, Live # if the return value byte = l, you survive!
jr $ra # no special input results; continue with the room number
# when an input result means you pick up a key
lb $t2, false # load the false byte up
bne $s6, $t2, HaveKey # if you have a key, you can't pick up a key
li $v0, 4 # get ready to print some text
la $a0, pickup # load the address for the key picked up feedback
syscall # print it
li $s6, 1 # key = true
addi $t1, $t1, 1 #moving to first character of new room number
lb $t4, ($t1) # loading first byte of new room number
jr $ra
# if you already have a key, you can't pick another one up
li $v0, 4 # get ready to print a string
la $a0, alreadyHave # you already have the key, knucklehead!
syscall # print it
j DispCandle # go build the room
# when an input requires that you use a key
lb $t2, false # load the false byte
beq $s6, $t2, NoKey # if you don't have a key, you can't use it
li $v0, 4 # get ready to print some text
la $a0, unlock # load the address of the "you did it!" text
syscall # go print it
li $s6, 0 # get rid of the key
# changing room number
addi $t1, $t1, 1 # moving to first character of new room number
lb $t4, ($t1) # loading first byte of new room number
jr $ra
# check whether a key is in inventory
li $v0, 4 # get ready to print some text
la $a0, doNotHave # load the address of the "you need a key, dolt!" text
syscall # print it
j DispCandle # go build the room
# when your input wins the game
li $v0, 4 # get ready to print some text
la $a0, live # load the address of the "you survived!" text
syscall # print it
j End # Game over, man! Game over!
# when your candlie hits 0 (not necessarily special input)
li $v0, 4 # get ready to print some text
la $a0, die # load the "you dead, mofo!" text
syscall # print it
j End # Game over, man!, Game over!
# procedure to concatenate filepath, room, and
# specified file to open for room configuration
la $s1, filename # will be writing bytes to filename
la $s2, filepath # loading generic filepath into $s2
la $s3, room # loading room number into $s3
la $s4, readFile # loading name of file to read into $s4
j ConcFilepath # start concatenating the file path
lb $t0, ($s2) # get character at address
beqz $t0, ConcRoomNum # if the whole path is loaded in, get the room number, too
sb $t0, ($s1) # else store current character in the buffer
addi $s2, $s2, 1 # filepath pointer points a position forward
addi $s1, $s1, 1 # same for filename pointer
j ConcFilepath # loop
# I hate code repetition, but this makes the app
# more flexible
lb $t0, ($s3) # get character at address
beqz $t0, ConcFile # if the whole room number is loaded in, get the room number, too
sb $t0, ($s1) # else, store the current character in the buffer
addi $s3, $s3, 1 # room pointer points a position forward
addi $s1, $s1, 1 # same for filename pointer
j ConcRoomNum # loop
lb $t0, ($s4) # get character at address
beqz $t0, ReturnFile # if the whole file name is loaded in, return it
sb $t0, ($s1) # else, store the current character in the buffer
addi $s4, $s4, 1 # name pointer points a position forward
addi $s1, $s1, 1 # same for filename pointer
j ConcFile # loop
jr $ra # filepath is all written out, so return
# procedure to open file specified in filename space
# open the file for reading
li $v0, 13 # system call code for opening a file
la $a0, filename # loading the file name
li $a1, 0 # loading said file for reading
li $a2, 0 # mode is ignored
syscall # opening the file (file descriptor returned in $v0)
move $s0, $v0 # save the file descriptor
# read from the file
li $v0, 14 # system call for reading from a file
move $a0, $s0 # file descriptor to read
la $a1, buffer # address of buffer to read into
li $a2, 1200 # max read of 1200 characters
syscall # reading from file into buffer
# close the file
li $v0, 16 # system call code for closing a file
move $a0, $s0 # file descriptor to close
syscall # close the file
jr $ra # file has been read into address 'buffer'
# final exit code
li $v0, 10 # exiting the program
syscall # booyah!
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